
  • Streamdrop duration: 1/2/3 minutes (configurable)

  • Gameplay Duration: 30+ seconds

  • Maximum Gems: 750

  • Minimum Gems: 0


Trivia is one of our most anticipated launches as it not only offers a new variety of experiences to our creators also engages the audiences in meaningful ways.

You will be able to configure each duration of the Trivia from 1 minute to 3 minutes, allowing a less strict window for audiences to join late and still able to fully engage with the content you have prepared. In the document below, we've briefly explained more on how creators can configure the trivia and how fans can participate in them.

What can Creators configure?

As a creator, you will be able to design and store up to 10 different sets of quizzes and between 3-6 questions for each of them. You are also recommended to prepare your trivia question sets beforehand so that you will only be a click of a button away from launching them live.

Setting up a Question set

For each question, you can choose between a multiple choice question or an open-ended question that can also support case-sensitive answers

  • For Multiple Choice questions, you can create min. 2 to max. 5 options for each, and you will need to indicate the correct answer

  • For Open-ended questions, you can list out the question and answer, there's an option to decide if the answer needs to be checked with case sensitivity.

Setting up each question

Shuffling Question Order

The "Shuffle question order" is turned on by default. When it is switched on, it means the order of questions shown to each fan will be different from how you set it up. If the order of your trivia has a logicial flow to them, remember to switch this off before saving

Launching the Trivia

Once you are live on spaces, refresh the creator's control panel so that your activity is picked up by the platform. If you have saved your question set correctly, you will be able to see them on the drop down selection of "Question Set".

You can also adjust the duration of the StreamDrop window between 1/2/3 minutes. This duration represents the window of time where fans are able to participate in the trivia. Once set you are all ready to smash the StreamDrop button and start your first Trivia experience!


When a user starts the StreamDrop, his/her timer for the trivia starts, the time taken to complete will actually be a part of the scoring function. In essence, fans should try to answer as fast as possible and as accurately as possible to get the highest score.

How does the scoring work for Fans?

To ensure a fair distribution and balance of Gems distributed for all experiences. We are using the same concept of a "passing" reward and a "top 100" reward. Fans who participate in the trivia and score at least a passing score of 50% (rounded down) will be awarded the base reward of 250 Gems distributed by Stream and not the creator.

Speed matters in the trivia game and the final score for participants is a function of both the time taken and the accuracy of answers. After the duration of the entire StreamDrop, the top 100 fans with the highest score will be awarded an additional 500 Gems which will be distributed by the Creator.

We hope you guys enjoy the new experience that we have put out. If you have any comments or feedback, feel free to reach out to us on Discord or X.

Last updated